Save up to €426 annually

30-year warranty: Longest period on the market!

Plug & play - no installer needed
Robinsun Performance
Mount 90º
Our Robinsun Performance Plug & Play Solar Kit comes with a maximum output of 400 W (1 solar panel) or 800 W (2 solar panels).
What's in the box
- Solar Panel Full Black (175,7 x 113,4 cm)
- Micro inverter
- Schuko Cable
- Mount 60º

- Max Output 440 Wp
- Bifacial solar panel
- TOPCon Technology
- N-type cells
- Panel efficiency 23,30%
- 1200 mm cable with MC4-EVO2 connectors
- Easy Plug & Play connection
- Frame color: Full Black
- 30-year warranty for extra linear power output by the manufacturer
- 15-year warranty for materials and processing
- Dimensions 172,2 x 113,4 x 3,0 cm. Weight 24 kg

Non tutti i kit sono uguali
Robinsun plug & play solar kits for balconies: Your ultimate energy solution!

✅ Installazione pronta all'uso senza elettricista.
✅ Semplice configurazione di tutti i componenti del sistema.
✅ Kit solari completi con staffe progettate per ogni applicazione.
✅ Consulenza individuale da parte di personale specializzato.
✅ Include un'app di monitoraggio gratuita.

Altre aziende
✅ Installazione pronta a innestarsi senza un elettricista.
❌ Kit limitati e poco flessibili.
❌ Kit con fissaggio inadeguato o senza alcun supporto.
❌ Consulenza impersonale da parte di personale non competente.
❌ Nessuna applicazione propria o monitoraggio limitato ad applicazioni esterne.
Come funziona un kit solare plug & play?

Posizionate il kit nel punto in cui riceve più luce solare
Abbiamo diversi kit appositamente progettati per adattarsi a quasi tutti i luoghi. Più luce solare riceve il vostro kit, più energia produrrà!

Collegare il kit direttamente alla presa di corrente
È così semplice! L'energia generata dai pannelli solari sarà trasformata dal micro inverter per essere utilizzata immediatamente dalla vostra abitazione. Basta collegare e giocare!

Iniziate a ridurre le bollette dell'energia e le emissioni di CO2
Producendo la propria energia solare si evita di consumare energia di rete, che non è sostenibile. Combattere il cambiamento climatico non è mai stato così facile e fa bene anche al vostro portafoglio.

Mallorca 🇪🇸

Alqueirão 🇵🇹

Madrid 🇪🇸

Dagorda 🇵🇹

Umbria 🇮🇹

All about Balcony Kits
How much can I save on my power bill?
In short: up to 50% of the electricity cost.
A plug & play solar kit produces solar energy for self consumption at home. The energy it produces is used directly by your household appliances. This avoids your household having to buy that energy from your power company, lowering your power bills.
Your savings are therefore determined by
- how much energy your kit produces
- how much you pay your power company per kWh, with all extra costs and taxes included
For example, if your kit produces 1.500 kWh per year and you pay €0,30/kWh to your power company, you save €450 per year (1.500 kWh x €0,30/kWh = €450). You can calculate how much you can save at your home address with our Savings Calculator.
How much the savings are on your overall electricity bill depends on how much you consume in total. A house consumes much more than an apartment, so the effect of a solar kit is likely higher for an apartment. The more people you are in the household, the higher your total consumption. Since plug & play solar kits are limited to 800 W by law, for households of 1-3 people the savings of a plug & play solar kit will be higher as a percentage of total electricity consumption than for larger households that consume more. Also, if you have a lot of high consumption devices on for a lot of time, like air conditioners, water boilers, ovens etc, your consumption is likely much higher than the 800 W of peak output your kit can deliver.
But take into consideration that some savings is better than no savings at all. And the higher your energy consumption is, the more likely it is that you will consume 100% of your kit’s power, maximizing your economic returns.
How do plug & play solar kits work?
In short: much easier than you might think.
A plug & play solar kit generates energy from the sun with its solar panels. The micro inverter converts the panels’ DC power into AC power used in your household. A special cable connects the micro inverter to a normal Schuko plug in your home, feeding your kit’s power into your household’s power circuit.
That circuit is like a system of canals. At different points there are devices that consume energy. The sum of that energy consumption is what at the end of the canal is fed from your power company into your household. Your power meter counts how much that power is at any time.
If you now connect a plug & play solar kit to your canal, that kit immits power into that network. The connected devices use that power first. If you have several power circuits at home, these all meet at the distribution panel, that is in turn connected to your power meter and the grid. If there is excess power in the circuit your kit is connected to, it will spill over first to your other circuits that are demanding energy.
Check out our explanation video on how this circuit works.
TIpo di kit
Not all balconies are alike, that’s why we have different kinds of Balcony Kits available. The first difference is the power output of the kits. EU regulations allow kits up to 800 W output to be exempt from many norms and registration requirements. Our Balcony Kits stay within this requirement. Kits with one panel are of 300 or 400 W output, depending on the type of panel they use. Kits of two panels are of 600 or 800 W output.
For balconies, we offer kits with two types of panels. Our Robinsun Light - 300 W and 600 W use lightweight, flexible panels that are extremely easy to mount. We recommend those if you want to mount your kit alone, or install it anywhere higher than the first floor, especially if there is pedestrian traffic under your kit installation. This is for safety reasons.
For balconies on ground or first floors, or with no pedestrian traffic under them, we offer Balcony Kits with conventional panels, that perform better in terms of output, but are heavier. We have two types of mount. Our Performance 90º - 400 W and Performance 90º - 800 W kits come with a 90 degree angle mount, while our Performance 60º- 400 W and Performance 60º - 800 W kits have a triangular mount that give these Performance Kits a 60 degree angle. At 60 degrees your balcony produces slightly more electricity throughout the year.
Experience the convenience of our Plug & Play Solar Kits, where you have the power to choose the perfect fit for your home. Our commitment to quality shines through our use of Tier 1 components in crafting the most efficient Balcony Kits. Not only do we prioritize functionality, but we also take pride in its eye-catching design. Our philosophy revolves around offering solar systems that seamlessly integrate with your sockets, all while exuding a touch of elegance. Transform your balcony into a gateway to a sustainable future, as we embark on a generation-wide transition towards renewable energy.
In short: a Performance kit in Europe produces up to 1.500 kWh/year, while a Light kit can reach 1.100 kWh/year.
But it depends on several factors. The exact answer is personalized, depending on the location of installation, orientation and azimuth as well as the type of kit you choose. Our Savings Calculator helps you find the exact answer for your installation. We use the European Commission’s PV GIS database, a standard used by all major photovoltaic installers in Europe, to calculate the estimated yearly electricity production of your kit. The result is usually a conservative estimate.
When considering the installation of a plug & play solar kit, look for the place in your household with the most unimpeded sunshine hours. This can be your terrace or balcony, or a pergola, or a wall. Maybe you have a flat roof nearby that you can use. At Robinsun we offer kits for a wide range of installation locations, to help you install your kit where it produces most for you.
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